
Seven Steps to Mastering The Law of Attraction.

Yet again, another year passes and we all think (at least a little bit) about what the new year will bring.  While losing weight, eating healthy, and quitting smoking are all fantastic resolutions to have, there is one thing that you could do that would make ALL of your dreams a reality, and that is to make it your mission to master the Law of Attraction this year.
The universe responds to your thoughts and feelings and brings you exactly what is going on in your mind.  Unfortunately, most people think and feel as a reaction to the things that are already occurring in their realities.
This reactivity often creates a cycle of anger, depression, hostility or anxiety.  For example, you become angry about something, and this causes the universe to deliver to you something else that makes you angry.  Then you get angry again and the cycle repeats.
Wouldn’t it be better if you could find ways to think and feel positively throughout your day so that the universe could bring you more things to be happy about? If you could find a way to think and feel positively regardless of your current reality, you would be able to master the Law of Attraction and a new reality would emerge that contained in it everything that you wanted.
With this in mind, here are seven steps to take this year to ensure that next year your reality is leaps and bounds beyond where you stand today.
1. Drop the “struggle mentality:” Many of us have fed into the belief that in order to be good people we have to work hard and we have to do things we don’t like to do.  If you hold this belief, the universe will continue to send you hard work and struggle.
Instead of hammering away at projects and work you don’t like to do, make it a priority to enjoy life at least a few times a day. 
Make laughter and fun priority. Don’t be afraid to put down something you don’t want to do for a while and do something fun instead.  If you want to have a fun and fulfilling life, you must send the universe a message that you expect fun and excitement!
2. Give thanks daily: Every single day, take a few minutes and run through the things that you are grateful for, and really allow yourself to feel the gratitude for the blessings in your life.  Make a habit of thanking the universe for your blessings to ensure that more of them come your way.
3. Give others the benefit of the doubt: It can be so easy to respond to other peoples’ unkind words and actions with anger.  Do yourself (and them) a favor by giving them the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe she said what she said because she is overwhelmed at work.  Maybe he bumped into you because he’s distracted by some awful news he just got.
This  new outlook will cut the other person a break, but (more importantly) it will make YOU feel better about the situation, and how you feel is extremely important if you want to master the Law of Attraction.
4. Turn off the news (seriously!): The news today is chock-full of everything that has gone wrong in the world.  There’s no sense in subjecting yourself to that kind of negativity.  Cut down on the news, or even better, stop watching it entirely.
5. Commit acts of kindness daily: You get what you give, so give kindness.  Hold the door open for someone, surprise your loved one with a little thoughtful gift, or give compliments and hugs.  Every action has an infinite ripple effect out into the universe, so do your part to radiate kindness and love.
6. Move towards what you want rather than away from what you don’t: Make sure that your dominant actions are occurring because you want something to happen, rather than because you are afraid of what might happen.
For example, call your Mom when you want to talk to her, not when you are afraid she will get mad at you for not calling.  Moving because of fear creates more fearful experiences.  Moving because of your dreams makes more dreams happen.  Move mindfully.
7. Meditate: Meditating allows you to clear out emotional stress, sadness and anxiety.  It allows you to focus entirely in the present.  This helps you to calm down and helps you raise your vibration significantly.
Meditating for just 10 minutes a day has the power to center you and align you with the frequency of a Law of Attraction master.
Do even a little bit of research on the power of meditation and it will become clear that meditating is something you should be doing daily.
So there you have it.  To start moving your life energy in a positive direction, use these steps  this year to help you become a master of the Law of Attraction.
Give thanks, give others the benefit of the doubt,  drop the struggle, turn off the news, give kindness, move mindfully and meditate.
Practice these steps daily to feel better (no matter what happens!) and attract a wonderful life for yourself, this year and every year after.

Source: http://thespiritscience.net/2015/12/30/seven-steps-to-mastering-the-law-of-attraction-in-2016/


Actors Surely Goes Either To Hell Or To The Animal Womb...!!! What Lord Buddha Said About Actors....!!!

On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel's Sanctuary.

Then Talaputa, the head of an acting troupe, went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One: "Lord, I have heard that it has been passed down by the ancient teaching lineage of actors that 'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh & gives them delight with his imitation of reality, then with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the company of the laughing devas.' What does the Blessed One have to say about that?"

"Enough, headman, put that aside. Don't ask me that."

A second time... A third time Talaputa, the head of an acting troupe, said: "Lord, I have heard that it has been passed down by the ancient teaching lineage of actors that 'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh & gives them delight with his imitation of reality, then with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the company of the laughing devas.' What does the Blessed One have to say about that?"

"Apparently, headman, I haven't been able to get past you by saying, 'Enough, headman, put that aside. Don't ask me that.' So I will simply answer you.

Any beings who are not devoid of passion to begin with, who are bound by the bond of passion, focus with even more passion on things inspiring passion presented by an actor on stage in the midst of a festival.

 Any beings who are not devoid of aversion to begin with, who are bound by the bond of aversion, focus with even more aversion on things inspiring aversion presented by an actor on stage in the midst of a festival.

 Any beings who are not devoid of delusion to begin with, who are bound by the bond of delusion, focus with even more delusion on things inspiring delusion presented by an actor on stage in the midst of a festival. 
Thus the actor — himself intoxicated & heedless, having made others intoxicated & heedless — with the breakup of the body, after death, is reborn in what is called the hell of laughter.

But if he holds such a view as this: 'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh & gives them delight with his imitation of reality, then with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the company of the laughing devas,' that is his wrong view. Now, there are two destinations for a person with wrong view, I tell you: either hell or the animal womb."

When this was said, Talaputa, the head of an acting troupe, sobbed & burst into tears. [The Blessed One said:] "That is what I couldn't get past you by saying, 'Enough, headman, put that aside. Don't ask me that.'"

"I'm not crying, lord, because of what the Blessed One said to me, but simply because I have been deceived, cheated, & fooled for a long time by that ancient teaching lineage of actors who said: 'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh & gives them delight with his imitation of reality, then with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the company of the laughing devas.'

"Magnificent, lord! Magnificent! Just as if he were to place upright what was overturned, to reveal what was hidden, to show the way to one who was lost, or to carry a lamp into the dark so that those with eyes could see forms, in the same way has the Blessed One — through many lines of reasoning — made the Dhamma clear.

 I go to the Blessed One for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the Community of monks. May the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone to him for refuge, from this day forward, for life." SN 42.2 Talaputa Sutta: To Talaputa the Actor translated from the pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

The Buddha quote from the sutta says that anyone with some passion, aversion or delusion, reinforces it by watching the actor's performance. The actor too is intoxicated with emotions due to getting into character to play the role. And by acting out the role on stage, the actor has the intention of getting the audience to experience the same emotions. This intention is karma.

So, this is a question about Right Livelihood. The butcher had the intention and actions to take the life of the animals he slaughtered. And in this case, the actor had the intention and actions to reinforce emotions in the audience that are filled with passion, aversion or delusion. So, it stands to reason that such an acting career is not following Right Livelihood. This surprises me too, but it makes sense.

So we think that all the celebrities and the famous actors and actresses are so lucky and we try to become like them but according to Lord Buddha being a actor is a sin..!!

Have you ever thought about it…!!! 

source: http://www.bloomingpost.com/2015/12/actors-surely-goes-either-to-hell-or-to.html

Article by www.bloomingpost.com



It may seem like “enlightenment” is a place far far away – one that requires us to struggle and suffer to even get close. It may seem like in order to take this “path towards enlightenment” seriously, we need to have the right clothes, buy the right crystals, wear the right pendants, pay for the right courses and follow the right practices. To put it simply; according to these ideas, an enlightened person should look like this:
Enlightenment has become the new “promised land” of spirituality, the state that guarantees peace, happiness, joy and the fulfillment of all desires. It is often portrayed as the “guru” life, one where people will look up to you and consider you as “better” and “wiser” than them. To put it simply, enlightenment can become quite the obstacle to enlightenment.
Why? Because enlightenment has nothing to do with adding anything to yourself so you can become something grander and better, it is actually a process of subtraction. Subtract all stories of what it means to be “spiritual”, “enlightened”, “better” or whatever sparkling identity you have in mind, and here you have it: an enlightened state.
“Discard this checklist for enlightenment. It is only the mind’s concoction to cheat you out of the peace you already are.” – Mooji
The word enlightenment itself can be misleading, because it is often interpreted and communicated as a “supreme” state of being that sounds so out of reach for the “average” person. But the truth is, enlightenment is nothing more and nothing less than a natural state. We all have a natural state within us. It IS us. The question we should ask ourselves is not how we can become better, bigger, wiser and more than who we naturally are… but what identities, stories, baggage and ideas we hold on to that come in the way of us being who we naturally are.
When you let go of the idea that something needs to be done in order to be in your natural state, you quickly realize the obvious: There is no YOU to do it. 
Does it make sense to try and act naturally? “Trying”, “acting”… both are forms of pretense that actually contradict the true meaning of Natural. I mean, are bunnies trying to “act” like bunnies? Are birds “trying” to be birds? No… they just are. They don’t have to “do” it or even think about it – it comes quite natural!  So why should we? Why stress about “trying” to be who we already are?
Is what most of us thrive to be actually a product of our own natural state, or have our desires, wants and thoughts actually been programmed into us via mass marketing? Why do we all desire material wants? Why is it now that more people are starting to realize that we’ve completely neglected what we feel on the inside? Why are well all searching for happiness outside of ourselves?
“Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it & let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you.” – Eckhart Tolle
If you want to know a “shortcut to enlightenment” (sarcasm), first thing first: stop trying to be enlightened. Stop trying to “kill” the ego. And stop trying to be so “spiritual”. I don’t mean to be patronizing  but we are spiritual beings already – the one “trying to be spiritual” is just the one who forgot. Instead of resisting the ego because you are “supposed to be spiritual”, be the space that observe both the ego and the idea of “being spiritual”. This space is who you are.
Doesn’t it feel more natural to simply be who we are each moment? Even if we are “not quite there yet”, it isn’t about setting up a big red X on a map and focus on a destination. Having one eye on the goal is no different than having one eye on the path. Fighting, acting, trying, pushing, pulling, rushing… when you let all of that go for a moment and take a few deep breaths, you realize that this inner battle is the very mental noise covering two obvious truths:
#1 You already are what you are seeking
#2 We are in it for the journey – not the destination
The truth is, we are already getting everything that we need for our evolution. There is no need to try and control our path – the lessons we need will keep coming, our inner-compass will keep working.
Our job is to simply notice, be in the moment and enjoy the ride. Oh and just one last reminder… you don’t need to try and do those things. It’s already happening.


How to Exit the Matrix in 6 Simple Steps

How to Exit the Matrix

in 6 Simple Steps

by Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D.
The virtual reality introduced in the Matrix films is generated by a computer, and the people live in this artificially created reality. If you spend some time and pay attention to the reality of your everyday life, you will find a stunning discovery. Because our everyday reality shows a great deal of resemblance to movie’s virtual reality. Our virtual reality may not be generated by a computer, but by our mind, our constantly flowing thoughts and emotions. And so we are living in the imprisonment of our thoughts and feelings’ matrix. Let’s see what features this matrix has and how to get rid of them.
  1. Step. The world of permanent change
We chase our desires and unfulfilled dreams. We are attracted by money, power, prestige, a wholesome, happy life. All this lies there hidden behind the powerful iron gate that is towering in front of us.
Spurred by our ambitions, we pursue various goals all through our lives. We aspire for something all the time, we always want to achieve something. This restless rush is instigated by our fear that we are still not what we want to be. We are never satisfied, we always want something else, we would like to be better, more beautiful, richer than we are at present.
That is how we pursue our goals until death, when we realize how meaningless the whole thing has been. But why are these goals meaningless, we begin to protest immediately. The protest is caused by the vary nature of the forms and shapes, as in their world every form and shape is subject to permanent change, birth and death. Whatever we attract to us, we are going to lose it, as everybody departs from this world empty-handed, all those who pursue their goals, live in the spell of past and future.
  1. Step. The spiritual seeking
We, however, wish to find the security of permanence in our life. We would like to find what is beyond the world of constant change. In order to do so, we become spiritual seekers.
As a first step of spiritual seeking we start to look for enlightenment, Self-recognition in the world of shapes and forms (that is, outside ourselves) in the hope of thus reaching the state of permanent happiness. We intend to find a dogma, a great Master, an elevating spiritual experience that expands our Consciousness. If it is not found here on Earth, we will be looking for it in the other world, in the heaven of a religion.
We use the mind as a mean of spiritual search. It is through the mind that the Ego intends to understand what is beyond mind and forms. The mind in this way prepares the mental image of enlightenment, seeking, happiness etc.
The mental images are born through the comprehensive process of the mind. For comprehension, we also require information, so we shall gather bits of information like a busy ant. From books on religion and spirituality, lectures heard and conversations attended, we are attempting to screen information, ideas, opinions and experience necessary for them. The same takes place with spiritual experience. We assume that if we gather a sufficient amount of experience, as a result we will reach a certain point, we will increase their spirituality.
These mental images motivate us to make efforts at implementing the mental images at the level of daily life, to make these images the cornerstones of our life. Achieving spiritual objectives, however, affords only momentary satisfaction for us, so after achieving one specific goal, relentlessness returns, urging us to start working for new objectives. The mind produces new mental images, and seeking starts all over again..
  1. Step. The stop
We then go on seeking, until we eventually become tired of the process, and finally recognize its true nature.We stop and abandon spiritual seeking. We recognize that all the objectives we have so far been looking for outside ourselves, are only found within ourselves.
We will stop when we recognize the activities of the mind and refuse to follow it any longer. We realize that with the help of the mind we will not be able to surpass the mind. We will experience that stopping is the inactive moment of the mind, the silence between thoughts. In that silence, we will experience the Consciousness without forms, and recognize that we are in fact the Presence without thoughts. We then leave behind the spiritual seeker, with all the accumulated knowledge and lofty spiritual experience.
    4.  Step. The inner journey
This is the beginning of an inner journey which takes us out from the matrix, beyond the mind. Once we have started our journey, we leave the world behind and abandon everything that has hampered us in our progress. We give up unimportant things in order to be able to concentrate our attention exclusively on the important ones. That is possible by means of a major mental clean-up.
When  we begin doing that clean-up in earnest, we will soon face the vast multitude of our thoughts, opinions, ideas and the emotions attached to all these. After a period of time, we realize that we need to abandon all the unimportant things and trivialities, since these things will be found false in the light of our inner journey. Then we find ourselves all alone, and realize, that we still have not finished. We are still to shed the shadow that we believed to be ourself.
  1. Step. The awakening: coming home
The awaking is the awakening of the Conscience to its own existence through the form and shape that we formerly identified with ourselves. After the great clean up nothing remains but the empty space.
But if we examine that space closer, we find that it is full of Consciousness, which is the inner peace, quiet and tranquility. We then realize that we are at home. Whatever now happens in that internal space, we must experience that. We must experience whatever life has to offer, there and then in that specific moment. The next moment does not need to bear the burden of the experience of the previous moment.
The question then arises: have we already got rid of the matrix? The emptiness is perfect, but we still must take the last step in order to be completely free.
  1. Step. Comeback
That step will take us to the point where our entire journey began. We return to the Matrix, to the world of daily life. We, however, return in a state different from the one in which we departed, since we have undergone considerable changes during our journey. The Mind, the Ego and, together with it, selfishness vanished from ourselves. The emptiness, pulsating with life, and the Consciousness, awakened to its own existence, continue to stay with us.
In this way the world will be entirely different for us. We no longer feel en urge to run away from it, and we do not submerge in the swamp of identifying with the world. We are now free from all that, and the world is now a new adventure for us. We abandon ourselves into the streams of Life, and we merge with the Universe. In the meanwhile, we help others in awakening and we share the joy of existence and sympathy with everyone we encounter during our spiritual journey.

Source: http://expandedconsciousness.com/2015/12/01/exit-matrix-6-simple-steps/


Why Each Year Seems to Disappear More Quickly Than the Last

All clocks follow the same 12 hour / 60 minute symmetry, yet studies suggest that as we get older, we don’t experience time the same way. And there are many theories that explain why it feels like time speeds up as we grow older.
Many psychologists believe that as we age, our perception of time begins to accelerate versus time actually speeding up. Studies indicate that biological changes in the human body that happen as it ages, such as reduced dopamine production in the brain, impact our internal clock. Furthermore, some believe that as we grow up, we have fewer emotional and arousing experiences – the first kiss, the first trip away from home, the first heartbreak. Such experiences are easier to remember and lead to higher time estimations.
The emotional intensity of our daily life is affected by the fact that many of us experience “Habituation Hypothesis”. Consider how often you find yourself on autopilot, moving through your daily tasks such as getting dressed or cooking dinner, or sitting in your daily commute while your mind is elsewhere. If you’ve lived in one place for a long time, or held the same job for many years, less and less feels truly new.
Our instinct is to conserve energy when we can, so when life is predictable, our minds turn to autopilot and we tune out. Our minds become efficient at carrying out tasks that have become habitual, so they are freed up to address more pressing issues. Unfortunately, many of us spend this mental energy on worrying, self-analyzing, weighing decisions, etc., which can become quite stressful. Yet, regardless where our mental focus goes, by exhibiting this type of behavior, we have a tendency to compress time, and as a result our lives seem to speed up.
There’s also what psychologists call “Forward Telescoping”, which considers how we perceive past events that have made a significant impact in our lives. We are inclined to stay connected to important past events – a birth of a child, a friend dying – to where they seem quite recent, even when many years have passed. The realization that ten years have gone by since you got married, when you feel like it’s only been five, can be quite shocking.
The quickening of our perception of time was also explained by Paul Janet’s “Proportional Theory”. It suggests that as we get older, each period of time is a smaller fraction of the whole lifetime, and this affects how we perceive each moment.
“The apparent length of an interval at a given epoch of a man’s life is proportional to the total length of the life itself. A child of 10 feels a year as 1/10 of his whole life – a man of 50 as 1/50, the whole life meanwhile apparently preserving a constant length.” ~ William James
How can we slow down time?
Look for the beauty in things. Feelings that we experience when we come across something that inspires or transforms us will expand the perception of time, because these moments are more awe-inspiring.
Enjoy the present moment. Instead of always contemplating, analyzing, making decisions, etc., make an effort to free up some of your thoughts while you’re going about you day to appreciate the minute details of each moment and your surroundings.
Limit multitasking. Many of us have busy lives and feel that multitasking is necessary. Yet consider that multitasking will occupy more of your mental resources as you keep pace with switching between tasks. You end up with have less energy to put towards the creation of new memories. In the long run, you’re likely to be less productive while you feel like there are never enough hours in a day.
Seek out new experiences. This one goes back to the impact that emotional experiences have on our perception of time. New experiences are more challenging on the mind, often engage us emotionally, and require us to focus on the present moment. Consider that it’s ok to switch up your daily routine and stop something you’re good at to begin a new chapter in life.
“Studies show that people who feel “time-rich” tend to be happier and more fulfilled than those of us who constantly feel rushed. They experience fewer headaches and upset stomachs, and regularly get better quality sleep.” ~ Ron Friedman, Ph.D. (Source)


What Buddha Accepted?

1. The first distinguishing feature of his teachings lay in the recognition of the mind as the centre of everything.
2. Mind precedes things, dominates them, creates them. If mind is comprehended, all things are comprehended.
3. Mind is the leader of all its faculties. Mind is the chief of all its faculties. The very mind is made up of those faculties.
4. The first thing to attend to is the culture of the mind.
5. The second distinguishing feature of his teachings is that mind is the fount of all the good and evil that arises within, and befalls us from without.
6. Whatsoever there is of evil, connected with evil, belonging to evil–that issues from the mind. Whatsoever there is of good, connected with good, belonging to good–all issues from mind.
7. If one speaks or acts with a pounded [=polluted?] mind, then affliction follows him as the wheels of the cart follow the feet of the bullocks who pull the cart. The cleaning of the mind is, therefore, the essence of religion.
8. The third distinguishing feature of his teachings is the avoidance of all sinful acts.
9. The fourth distinguishing feature of his teaching is that real religion lies not in the books of religion, but in the observance of the tenets of the religion.
10. Can anyone say that the Buddha’s religion was not his own creation?
Source: http://www.bbncommunity.com/what-buddha-accepted/


Podobenstvo s jaskyňou (Platon)

Podobenstvo s jaskyňou (Platon)
Sokrates: Teraz teda porovnaj našu prirodzenosť, pokiaľ ide o vzdelanie a nevzdelanie s nasledujúcim podobenstvom. Predstav si ľudí v podzemnom príbytku podobnom jaskyni (K1), ktorá má k svetlu otvorený dlhý vchod pozdĺž celej jaskyne. V tejto jaskyni žijú ľudia od detstva spútaní na nohách a šijách, takže ostávajú stále na tom istom mieste a vidia iba rovno pred seba, pretože putá im bránia otáčať hlavou. Vysoko a ďaleko vzadu za nimi horí oheň (K2); uprostred medzi ohňom a spútanými väzňami vedie hore cesta, pozdĺž ktorej je postavený múrik na spôsob zábradlia, aké mávajú pred sebou kaukliari a nad ktorými robia svoje kúsky.
Glaukón: Vidím to pred sebou.
Sokrates: Predstav si ďalej, že pozdĺž tohto múrika chodia ľudia a nosia všelijaké náradia, ktoré prečnievajú nad múrik, podoby ľudí a zvierat z kameňa a z dreva, ľudské výrobky rozličného druhu, pričom, pochopiteľne, jedni z nosičov hovoria, druhí mlčia.
Glaukón: Predvádzaš čudný obraz a čudných väzňov.
Sokrates: Podobných nám. Myslíš, že by takíto väzni mohli vidieť zo seba samých a zo svojich druhov niečo iné ako tiene vrhané ohňom na näprotivnú stenu jaskyne?
Glaukón: Ako by aj mohli vidieť, keď sú celý život nútení nehybne držať hlavu?
Sokrates: A ďalej, neplatí to isté o predmetoch nosených pozdĺž múrika?
Glaukón: Čo iné?
Sokrates: Keby sa mohli medzi sebou zhovárať, nemyslíš, že by boli toho názoru, že menami, ktoré dávajú tomu, čo vidia pred sebou, označujú skutočné predmety?
Glaukón: Nevyhnutne.
Sokrates: A čo keby to väzenie odrážalo od náprotivnej strany aj ozvenu? Kedykoľvek by niektorý z prechádzajúcich nosičov prehovoril, myslíš, že by za pôvodcu tohto hlasu pokladali niečo iné než prechádzajúci tieň?
Glaukón: Nie, pri Diovi.
Sokrates: Rozhodne by títo ľudia nemohli pokladať za pravdivé nič iné než tiene tých umelých vecí.
Glaukón: Nevyhnutne.
Sokrates: Pozorujme teraz, ako by to bolo s ich oslobodením z pút a vyliečením z nerozumnosti, keby sa im to, prirodzene, prihodilo takto: Keby jeden z nich bol zbavený pút a prinútený odrazu vstať, otočiť šiju, ísť a pozerať hore do svetla (K3), mohol by to urobiť iba bolestne a pre oslepujúci lesk by nebol schopný dívať sa na predmety, ktorých tiene vtedy videl; čo by podľa teba povedal, keby mu niekto tvrdil, že vtedy videl iba preludy, ale že teraz vidí správnejšie, lebo je oveľa bližšie ku skutočnosti a obrátený ku skutočným predmetom, a keby mu na každý prechádzajúci predmet ukázal a nútil by ho povedať, čo to je, nemyslíš, že by bol zmätený a domnieval by sa, že predmety vtedy videné sú pravdivejšie ako tie, ktoré teraz ukazujú?
Glaukón: Oveľa pravdivejšie.
Sokrates: A keby ho nútil pozerať do svetla samého, boleli by ho oči, odvracal by sa a utekal k veciam, na ktoré sa môže pozerať, a bol by presvedčený, že tie sú skutočne jasnejšie ako veci, ktoré sa mu teraz ukazujú?
Glaukón: Tak je.
Sokrates: Keby ho však niekto násilím odtiaľ vliekol cez drsný a strmý východ a nepustil by ho, kým by ho nevytiahol na slnečné svetlo, nepociťoval by azda bolestne toto násilie a nevzpieral by sa, a keby prišiel na svetlo, mohli by azda jeho oči plné slnečného žiaru vidieť niečo z toho, čo sa mu teraz uvádza ako pravdivé?
Glaukón: Nie, aspoň nie hneď.
Sokrates: Myslím, že by si musel na to privyknúť, keby chcel vidieť veci tam hore. Najprv by asi najľahšie spoznal tiene, potom obrazy ľudí a ostatných vecí zrkadliacich sa na vode, neskoršie potom skutočné predmety; ďalej by potom nebeské telesá i samu oblohu ľahšie pozoroval v noci, pozerajúc sa na svetlo hviezd a mesiaca, ako vo dne na slnku a slnečné svetlo.
Glaukón: Zaiste.
Sokrates: Napokon by, myslím, mohol pozerať na slnko, nie na jeho obraz na vode alebo na nejakej inej ploche, ale na slnko samo osebe na jeho vlastnom mieste, a mohol by tiež pozorovať, aké je.
Glaukón: Nevyhnutne.
Sokrates: A potom by si už urobil o ňom úsudok, že práve ono spôsobuje ročné obdobia, obeh rokov a všetko riadi vo viditeľnom svete a že v tom zmysle je aj príčinou všetkého, čo predtým videl v jaskyni.
Glaukón: Je zrejmé, že by potom na to prišiel.
Sokrates: A čo keď si spomenie na svoj prvý príbytok, na svoju tamojšiu múdrosť, na svojich tamojších spoluväzňov, nemyslíš, že sa bude pokladať za šťatného pre túto zmenu, tamtých však bude ľutovať?
Glaukón: A veľmi.
Sokrates: Ak mali vtedy medzi sebou zavedené určité pocty, pochvaly a dary pre toho, kto najbystrejšie vnímal prechádzajúce predmety a najlepšie si vedel zapamätať, ktoré z nich obyčajne chodili prv, ktoré neskoršie a ktoré súčasne, a na základe toho vedel najistejšie predpovedať, čo príde, myslíš, že by po nich túžil a závidel tým, čo boli u nich vyznamenaní poctami a mocou? Alebo nie naopak, že by chcel, ako hovorí Homér, (K4) Žiť sťa nádenný robotník pracovať na poli u mňa s majetkom malým a radšej by čokoľvek vytrpel, než aby mal mať také klamné predstavy, a tak žil ako tam?
Glaukón: Aj ja si myslím, že by radšej čokoľvek chcel vytrpieť, než žiť tamtým spôsobom.
Sokrates: A uváž ešte aj toto. Keby takýto človek opäť zostúpil dolu a posadil sa na to isté miesto, nenaplnili by sa mu oči tmou, keby tak náhle prišiel zo slnka?
Glaukón: Iste.
Sokrates: Keby sa však mal v posudzovaní oných tieňov pretekať s tými, ktorí sú ešte stále väzňami, pokiaľ sa mu mihá pred očami a skôr, než by sa mu oči upokojili - toto privykanie by netrvalo krátko - nevysmiali by ho a nehovorili o ňom, že z tej cesty hore prichádza so skazeným zrakom a že nestojí za pokus ísť hore? A keby toho, kto by ho chcel vyslobodiť z pút a priviesť hore, mohli nejako dostať do rúk a zabiť, či by ho nezabili? (K5).
Glaukón: Iste.


Flower of life 101: The structure of Reality

Found in nearly all major religions across the globe, the flower of life is considered to be the most important symbol of sacred geometry.
FlowerOfLife-05Containing the ancient religious values that represent the fundamental forms of all space and time, the flower of life is the pattern of creation itself.
Within the flower holds a secret set of symbols, known as the Fruit of Life. Through which, one can discover the most important and sacred secrets of the universe.
The Fruit of Life, is known as the basis for the design of every cell, atom and molecule, being the blueprint for everything.
The Flower of Life is testament to the fact that there is one consciousness, behind all of creation. And that all life forms have emerged from a single geometric base code – from the great cosmos, galaxies and stars to our DNA strands, flower petals, pine cones, tree branches, nautilus shells, crystals of diamond, all are based on the same principles of sacred geometry.
But what does the flower of life tell us about the dimensions and how can we apply this understanding to our everyday existence? How can we gain perspective of our three-dimensional world and the evidently probable, five dimensional reality?
Let’s begin
According to theoretical physicist Kip Thorne– while we can only observe the universe in three dimensions, it is very likely that there could be at least five dimensions, which we cannot perceive at this point in our evolutionary process.
If you could expand your consciousness to exist in the fifth dimension, it would be composed of a reality, where the laws of space and time become infinite.
flower of life2This is what we understand as the ability to walk between the worlds. The coveted philosophers stone.
In this existence you become your past and future self, experiencing all probable outcomes of your thoughts manifested on a metaphysical level. Possessing the conscious awareness, that your every thought creates a level of reality, where it is carried out into existence.
You, in effect, become the observer of all probable outcomes, of each reality.
Now that we can understand how the fifth dimensional reality would be experienced…  let’s examine what it would look like, in terms of the earth itself and the dimensions.
Roger D. Nelson a professor at Princeton University, recently conducted a study, to measure the field of global consciousness.
His work revealed through a phenomenon called Electrogaiagram (EGG) that we are cells of a single body of consciousness, communicating and connecting by invisible pathways.
These invisible pathways were measured by means of heightened electrical activity that became more profound, when the collective consciousness of millions of people, is focused on one single event.
For clarity here is a single human cell and the core of the earth –notice the striking similarities?
Cell of Earth

If we are in fact, cells in one single body of consciousness (earth) as determined by the study. Then we understand that we exist inside of one dimension of consciousness. So, what does one dimension look like?
Using the flower of life, we can determine that one dimension is one circle and in our current vocabulary, we understand that we live in a 3 dimensional world meaning that the earth exists as three dimensions of cropped-Three-Earths.jpgreality. The earth definitely isn’t flat.
So, following this model, the earth would then appear as 3 overlapping and interlinking dimensions, not just one round ball floating in space.
A fifth dimensional reality would then be viewed as the same, with five dimensions, represented by the circles.
olympic ringsIn the Trinity of Shamanism it is believed that the world is divided into three levels of consciousness,and according to the Miriam Webster Dictionary a dimension can be defined as “a level of consciousness”.
In African Mythology still held today it is believed that in Tanzania, at Mt. Kilamanjaro, lies the fringe between the three worlds. These dimensions interlink and overlap the earth, and the flower of life should be applied using this model.
How Can We Connect? 
There are only two known forces in existence, that can exert the force necessary to penetrate all time and space.
The first is love, and the second is gravity.
According to Newton’s Laws, what we perceive as a finite calculation, could actually have infinite implications, such as gravity.
Gravity is deemed as a force that can “bleed through the dimensions” and in order for this to occur, the dimensions must be linked. Allowing for gravity to cross the dimensions of space and time.
Love isn’t something that we invented, love exists on a higher dimension and is the one thing that we are capable of perceiving, that transcends time and space. It is quantifiable, but not yet understood. Love is the vibration of creation and the flower of life is the pattern.
This analogy explains how fifth dimensional beings who are understood as (future humans, those who have passed on, and those who have mastered the laws of the universe) are able to communicate with us and help to aid in our ascension… from the other side.
Time and space are the illusion, the gravity of love is our connection.
source: http://thespiritscience.net/2015/08/25/flower-of-life-101-the-structure-of-reality/