
5 Laws of Karma.

The Laws of Karma can viewed as the Buddhist and Hindu version of the Golden Rule, which is basically that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This Golden Rule is stated by practically every religion in the world, as it teaches us that we are responsible for our actions.  
Buddhism goes a bit further, incorporating intention and thought, as well as spoken word and action.  Everything we feel, say, do, and every choice we make ripples through time, and these choices are our karma, whether they be good or bad.  Check out these five Laws of Karma:
Law of Neutrality – In the same way that gravity acts as neutral and constant force, the Laws of Karma apply to all beings equally, without exception.  It exists without favorite ones, without cursed ones; there are only the divine beings manifested by the Creator, and all of these beings are loved and cared for equally, deeply, and completely.
Law of Lessons – When we reincarnate we do so to learn what is and is not like love.  When moving through worlds of duality, we learn from experiencing the extreme opposites: good-bad, problem-solution, etc. until we are able to evolve into divine love, joy and awareness.  One walks the divine circle until their lessons are learned.
Law of Balance – The objective in learning lessons is to achieve a sense of balance.  Imbalances are what drive your personal cycle of reincarnation.  For example, whatever you bring hate to, is what you reincarnate to, so that you might have the opportunity to achieve balance.  Because you can only truly understand a thing when you become that thing; ceasing judgement and the harboring of unrealistic expectations.
Law of Expansion – Because everything in the universe is energy, the universe is constantly expanding from lower to higher vibrational levels.  And due to this constant expansion, change and growth are all but certain.  The universe grows by weaving its way through chaos, reorganization, and order in one long endless cycle of change and growth, executed in hopes of continuous improvement.
Law of Love – Karma comes full circle with love.  The entire purpose of Karma is to propel your soul on a personal journey of reincarnation through the universe, eventually bringing all of us into a state of divine love, joy and awareness.  Karma ceases when you have perfected your ability to love unconditionally.

Source: http://heartcenteredrebalancing.com/2016/02/14/5-laws-of-karma/


How to communicate with people through the astral plane.

We have all had that someone (or several) in our lives that makes you feel like there is a magnetic charge, an energetic cord, pulling you toward their inner toroidal field. Your thoughts somehow, seemingly hijacked by their gravitational pull, no matter how far away they are you always end up back in their orbit.

They call it soul connection for a reason, you know. The interaction and conversations we have with these mirrors outside ourselves, create an energetic trail of intertwining soul strands.

You become unconsciously or consciously entangled and there is no mistaking whether or not you have this particle entanglement. If you have created an energetic cord with someone you will immediately know because in their absence, there is still that palpable pull towards that person, in your thoughts and actions.

If you can calibrate cooperatively to co-creative conscious communication to clear your soul contracts, any unconscious or conscious agreements that the two of you have mentally, emotionally or physically agreed upon, than you will be able to free yourself from this relation. But if the person has cut you off from physical communication, they have passed on to the other realms or there is too much tension to talk, then communicating in the astral realms is the best form of connection and resolution.

Whether we know it or not, we all are connected through the meta or the divine self, the place where we are all connected through a grid of collective conscious. Think of it as if all of thought, emotion and matter itself is the like ocean. Can you separate a drop from the ocean and it not be considered the sea? We are all a small piece of a larger form, a grander whole.

This place is where we all ultimately weave together in this dance of a creation process, we call life. Each one of us has a specific soul pattern, learned from parents, friends, people, our own belief patterns and environments; the narrative you know as your life story. Every interaction is in your life as a mirror to help you transcend old patterns and transform your inner realms, to shift into the ultimate manifested truth of existence, embodied love.

These connections are so palpable, most of us have had a synchronicity experience to confirm this coordination of the cosmos. For example, have you ever been thinking about a specific person and then that exact person messages, calls or texts you? That is the connection through the meta or the one mirrored self, throughout the entirety of the universe. More specifically, it was the synchronicity with that specific person because they were in a specific vibration, feeling, and state of reality as you were, so you were called into contact.

Since we are vibrational beings, one of our most powerful forms of connection is through communication.

The first place that most people will think of is through speech. The physical representation of the vibrational realm in the throat chakra; the mouth, throat and chest, I get a gorgeous picture of a vibrating larynx, as breath is passed by it, dancing across our tongue and teeth to form what we know as language.

But true communication starts in the brain and goes much beyond this physical realm because true communication is seeded specifically in the soul.

Everything in the universe whether you are able to hear it or it is invisible and inaudible is having a conversation.

The conversation of cosmic creation, everything visible or invisible is being formed into existence by vibration through waves of light and sound.

An example would be the thoughts in your mind causing the physical formation of hormones that create further queues and messages that tell the body how to operate.

I am going to push this knowledge to a different level passed rational understanding and more into the realm of intuitive wisdom. We have energetic communication with others and this invisible interaction with others is the realm in which the majority of the actual interaction between two people takes place, that is why this practice I am about to explain to you is so powerful.

If you have lost contact with an-other person for whatever reason, you cannot communicate with them in the physical realm but still have unresolved thoughts and feeling with them. Here is how to create Astral Communication for emotional closure:

Sit somewhere quiet and comfortable. Close your eyes and start by taking 10 deep slow deliberate breaths.
Think of the person with whom you want to communicate with, try to imagine them to the most physical detail and accuracy as possible.
Now this part is the most important part, you must ask them permission to talk to their higher self and soul aspect and truly come to this place for the great good of both soul involved.
Wait to listen to the feeling within yourself. If you get a feeling of resistance or an uneasy feeling, they have said no. You can always do a cord cutting visualisation (which I wrote about in a previous article) or you can try again at a later date. You can always as well just hold them in light to bless them and offer them healing.
If you have waited and you feel an opening within yourself then their higher self has said yes. At this point you can imagine them open and ready to receive any message you would like to connect with them about.
Feel open within yourself and allow yourself to say anything that you haven’t been able to say to them physically in person.

You can end this practice in whatever way you see fit. Sometimes I picture hugging the person, sometimes I picture putting my hand on their heart, as they put theirs on mine and sometimes I kneel at their feet in gratitude. Like I said above, this is a time to send this person love and light. Even if they have not been kind to you in the physical realm, this is a time to give yourself the love you have always deserved within interactions with the other.
I want to emphasise that this practice works the best if is to make peace with the other person involved.

In closing, this is one of the most sacred places you can meet another soul. A place where two people come together with their higher selves and highest intentions, to heal. My intention here is that this practice becomes a pillar of peace in a world that provides knowledge on how to connect through social media, in the physical and external world but lacks information on how to connect to the inner realms.

Most people know how to take direction from others or how to transfer information they have learned from the exterior world to another but not how to become silent and really listen to the entire universe of knowledge they have within. I pray that this becomes the newest frontier in a modern world,  an ironic twist of disconnecting to truly connect.

Although it may look like there are many others outside yourself, there is really only one of us here. We are one.

Source: http://thespiritscience.net/2015/12/14/how-to-communicate-with-people-through-the-astral-plane/


11 Reasons to Drink More Lemon Water.

Did you know that we are made up of 50-75% water? Think about that for one minute. More than half of us is water. That’s incredible. We only start to feel thirsty when we have lost about 2-3% of our water and many of us actually ignore the signs of thirst. Your body needs water for a multitude of reasons. Here are just a few:

Flushes out toxins
Helps the nutrients get to your organs and tissues
Regulates body temperature
Protects joints and organs
You can see how water is pretty important to drink. We get 20% of our water through food so what about the other 80%? It’s up to you to provide your body with that and it should come from water. But water is boring to drink. It’s bland. You have a hard time pouring a glass of water and drinking it straight up. In fact, you hate is so much you’d rather just not drink it all.

Well you don’t have to drink boring bland water anymore to get that 80%. Grab a lemon and start slicing and squeezing.  Move over blah water. Hello lemon water. Is it good for you? Safe to drink? Better than you think. Here are some reasons why you should be heading to the grocery store and stocking up on these cute little yellow fruits.

11 Reasons to Drink More Lemon Water
Natural Vitamin C.
Remember your doctor telling you Vitamin C is pretty darned important for healing wounds, providing nutrients and creating collagen for your body just to name a few things. This vitamin does not get stored in your body so you need to replenish the supply daily. What better way than to drink it naturally.

Potassium please.
Lemons have potassium too. This mineral is good for the heart and helps lower high blood pressure and reduces your risk of stroke.

Clean that liver.
We all know that our liver has a big job. It filters and flushes out crap. Drinking water is important in aiding the liver to do that but did you know that water with lemon lowers the toxins in your body so the liver doesn’t have to work quite as hard?

Digestion aid.
Lemon water is great for helping with digestion. Try squeezing some lemon into some warm water, not cold, and drink it after a meal. Chances of having an upset stomach after dinner will be slim.

No more sore stomach.
And speaking of upset stomachs, lemon water will naturally soothe a sore stomach and relieve indigestion.

No thanks, I’m not hungry.
Trying to lose weight or maintain your figure? Try drinking lemon water before a meal or before going out to eat. It is a great appetite suppressor. You will feel fuller, sooner and longer and won’t eat as much. No pig outs for you!

Clearer skin.
We all know that drinking lots of water keeps our skin soft and supple but did you know that putting some lemon in that water will help keep your skin clearer too? Of course, remember it is flushing toxins out of our body better and because of that, better skin.

Say aaaaah with more confidence.
Lemon water gives you fresher breath so you won’t have to be embarrassed by bad breath again. The sweet citrusy drink cleanses your palettes and your breath naturally.

More energy than coffee?
Absolutely. Try replacing your regular morning coffee with a cup of warm water and lemon for a week and see what happens. The first two days you may feel a slight detox from the coffee but I guarantee you will feel better the rest of the day.

Start the day right?
If you don’t think you are ready to give up coffee just yet, that’s ok. How about having a nice glass of lemon water while you’re coffee is brewing? Your body has been asleep and without hydration for almost 8 hours so it desperately needs water upon waking. Remember, even though coffee is made of water, it will not rehydrate you. In fact, it will do the exact opposite. Do it a favor, give it some water.

A wonderful natural flavor.
Put away those horrible drink crystals that claim to enhance the taste of your water naturally. There isn’t anything natural about them. Anything that says sugar free means chemical shit storm. Remember that. Do not put that in your body.

If you aren’t so convinced just yet, why not try a lemon water test for a week and see how you feel. Can you think of any other benefits of lemon water that I may have missed? Share them below.

Source: http://www.stevenaitchison.co.uk/blog/11-reasons-to-drink-more-lemon-water/