
10 Simple Sayings From BUDDHA That Will Change Your Life.

Buddha gained a huge amount of fame during his lifetime for simply offering basic advice for everyday living.

Far removed from the priests that believed they were “chosen”, Buddha was accessible to anyone who lived nearby.

Peasants, government officials, and kings were all treated with the same amount of respect and advice.

To him, there was no difference between them.

That’s why when we read Buddha’s words, we’re actually getting his unfiltered view of what he thought about happiness, simple living, and finding peace.

Here are 10 quotes from him that will change your perspective on life- and show you a new way of thinking and being.

1. Find Your Purpose

“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.”

2. Let Go of Anger

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

3. Take Action

“I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.”

4. Be Resilient

“Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence.”

5. Share Your Happiness

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

6. Look Within

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts. But once mastered, no one can help you as much.”

7. Be Compassionate

“Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.”

8. Have No Fear

“Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely.”

9. Help Someone

“If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path.”

10. Do Not Judge

“In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”

source: blog.sivanaspirit.com


The 9 Rules For Being Human – According To Ancient Sanskrit.

When you were born, you didn’t come with an owner’s manual. Here are some guidelines make life easier.
“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.”
(Helen Keller)

1.   You will receive a body –  Where you love it or hate it, It’s yours for life.

2.   You will learn lessons – Life is a constant learning experience, in which every day provides opportunities for you to learn more.

3.   There are no mistakes, only lessons – Your development towards wisdom is a process of experimentation, trial and error. Compassion is the remedy for harsh judgement of ourselves and others. Forgiveness is not only divine, it’s also ‘the act of erasing an emotional debt’.

4.    A lesson is repeated until it is learned – Lessons repeat until learned. What manifest as problems and challenges, irritations and frustrations are more lessons. They will repeat until you see them as such and learn from them. Your own awareness and your ability to change are requisites of executing this rule. To blame anyone or anything else for your misfortunes is an escape and a denial; you yourself are responsible for you, and what happens to you.

5.   Learning lessons does not end – While you are alive there are always lessons to be learned. Surrender to the ‘rhythm of life’, don’t struggle against it. Be humble enough to always acknowledge your own weaknesses, and be flexible enough to adapt from what you may be accustomed to.

7.   Others are merely mirrors of you – You love or hate something about another person according to what love or hate about yourself. Be tolerant; accept others as they are, and strive for clarity of self-awareness; strive to truly understand and have an objective perception of your own self, your thoughts and feelings.

8.   What you make of your life is up to you – You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. Take responsibility for yourself. Learn to let go when you cannot change things. Don’t get angry about things.

9.   The answers lie inside you –  Trust your instincts and your innermost feelings, whether you hear them as a little voice or a flash of inspiration.

Lastly you will forget all this at birth as we are all born with all of these capabilities. Our early experiences lead us into a physical world, away from our spiritual selves, so that we become doubtful, cynical and lacking belief and confidence. The ten Rules are not commandments, they are universal truths that apply to us all. When you lose your way, call upon them. Have faith in the strength of your spirit.

Adaptations of this list have been widely-circulated online as the 9 Rules for Being Human (Handed Down from Ancient Sanskrit) however the original source is actually Chérie Carter-Scott, a corporate trainer and consultant, who composed the list which she named “The Ten Rules for Being Human” for or one of her workshops several years ago.
- See more at: http://www.enlightened-consciousness.com/the-9-rules-for-being-human-according-to-ancient-sanskrit/#sthash.UR6Yr2ue.eDXWu7i0.dpuf

Source: http://www.enlightened-consciousness.com/the-9-rules-for-being-human-according-to-ancient-sanskrit/


We Are Living In A Hologram Designed By Aliens, Says NASA Scientist.

Source: www.the-open-mind.com | Original Post Date: June 29, 2015

Who says there are no open-minded scientists at NASA?

A NASA scientist suggests you are living inside a hologram created by advanced alien species.

What if everything you have ever done or will do is simply the product of a highly-advanced computer code? Every relationship, every sentiment, every memory could have been generated by banks of supercomputers.

This was the intriguing theory first proposed by Nick Bostrom, Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy at Oxford University and founding Director of the Future of Humanity Institute and of the Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology within the Oxford Martin School, there are several scientists who subscribe to this theory.

MessageToEagle.com has previously reported on how Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory suggested our creator is a cosmic computer programmer.

This would imply that we are living in a holographic world and everything around us, including ourselves is not “real”. Rich Terrile, still stands by his opinion. “Right now the fastest NASA supercomputers are cranking away at about double the speed of the human brain,” the NASA scientist told Vice.

“If you make a simple calculation using Moore’s Law [which roughly claims computers double in power every two years], you’ll find that these supercomputers, inside of a decade, will have the ability to compute an entire human lifetime of 80 years – including every thought ever conceived during that lifetime – in the span of a month.

“In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state unless they’re being observed.

“Many theorists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how you explain this.

“One explanation is that we’re living within a simulation, seeing what we need to see when we need to see it.

“What I find inspiring is that, even if we are in a simulation or many orders of magnitude down in levels of simulation, somewhere along the line something escaped the primordial ooze to become us and to result in simulations that made us – and that’s cool.”

The idea that our Universe is a fiction generated by computer code solves a number of inconsistencies and mysteries about the cosmos, like for example our quest for extraterrestrial life and the mystery of dark matter.

However, there also those who think the Matrix theory is flawed. “The theory seems to be based on the assumption that ‘superminds’ would do things in much the same way as we would do them,” Professor Peter Millican, who teaches philosophy and computer science at Oxford University says.

“If they think this world is a simulation, then why do they think the superminds – who are outside the simulation – would be constrained by the same sorts of thoughts and methods that we are?

“They assume that the ultimate structure of a real world can’t be grid like, and also that the superminds would have to implement a virtual world using grids.

“We can’t conclude that a grid structure is evidence of a pretend reality just because our ways of implementing a pretend reality involve a grid.”

However, Professor Millican does believe there is worth in investigating the idea.

“It is an interesting idea, and it’s healthy to have some crazy ideas,” he told The Telegraph.

“You don’t want to censor ideas according to whether they seem sensible or not because sometimes important new advances will seem crazy to start with.

“You never know when good ideas may come from thinking outside the box.

“This Matrix thought-experiment is actually a bit like some ideas of Descartes and Berkeley, hundreds of years ago. “Even if there turns out to be nothing in it, the fact that you have got into the habit of thinking crazy things could mean that at some point you are going to think of something that initially may seem rather way out, but turns out not to be crazy at all.”

Written by Jade Small of www.the-open-mind.com


Why A Pisces Is The Most Difficult Person To Understand.

Pisces is the 12th, and last, sign in the Zodiac. Their general strengths are compassion, intuition, independence, wisdom and an unique artistic side. Some of Pisces’s weaknesses are that they can be overly trusting, prefer to escape reality, and can be overly emotional.  Pisces are referred to as the dreamers of the zodiac.  They use their brilliance and imagination to escape reality when they dislike the reality they are faced with.

Because Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac, the eleven preceding signs indirectly impart a variety of characteristics on Pisces.  This explains the innate tendency of Pisces to be indecisive and in constant inner duels with themselves.  They can be the most confusing, difficult to understand, people you know.  Here are some reasons why:

They have overwhelming empathy

Their intuitive and imaginative natures give Pisces a strong sense of empathy, which can be a double edged sword. They can easily confuse another’s emotions with their own. This causes enormous strain within themselves, as Pisces begins to neglect their own emotions. The confusion can be overwhelming, and can send them off into a dream world.

They are very independent

Pisces is one of the most independent of the zodiac signs for good reason. They do  everything in their power to not have to rely on others. This pride leads them to pay higher tolls at times because they refuse to ask for help. If you are a Pisces, watch your resources and abilities carefully. Remember that your friends would be honored to help you when you need it. If you know a Pisces and want to offer aid, keep in mind their pride. Offer your assistance gently, stressing the mutual respect between you.

Pisces are constantly seeking new experiences

Naturally adventurous, Pisces are always looking out for a new experience or people. This tendency to be on the move consistently can hurt the Pisces’s ability to form lasting connections.

If you find yourself in a relationship with a Pisces, realize that nurturing that sense of adventure will help foster your relationship.  Don’t worry.  These shared experiences will be a great way for the two of you to grow together.

They are dreamers

The ‘dreamer sign’ is another name for Pisces. They are highly intelligent, imaginative, and creative.  This gives them the ability to think of problems and situations in unusual ways.

They are great problem solvers but these traits back fire at times.  When faced with the unsavory elements of life, their imagination can run wild and distort their vision.

They are introverts

Though quite adventurous, Pisces are very introverted, with the two sides in constant conflict with one another.  They find it difficult to be around people they don’t know, so they can present as fake or aloof.  It’s worth it to dig a little deeper.  Because deep inside is a beautiful soul.

Source: http://dailyvibes.org/pisces-difficult-to-understand/?c=ss


What Happens When We Die. Here's What Buddhism Says!

The Buddha’s teachings offer the most satisfactory explanation of where man came from and where he is going. When we die, the mind, with all the tendencies, preferences, abilities and characteristics that have been developed and conditioned in this life, re-establishes itself in a new being. Thus the new individual grows and develops a personality conditioned both by the mental characteristics that have been carried over from the previous life and by the new environment. The personality will change and be modified by conscious effort and conditioning factors like education, parental influence and society but once again at death, it will re-establish itself as life in a new being. This process of dying and being reborn will continue until the conditions that cause it, the mental factors of craving and ignorance, cease. When they do, instead of being reborn, the mind attains a state called Nirvana.

How does the mind go from one body to another?

When a person is dying, he begins to lose conscious control of his mental processes. There comes a time when his actions and habits locked away in his memories are released. In many instances, there arises in his mind a mental image. This image is totally involuntarily and is produced by his karma or past actions. Thus depending upon the nature of the particular karma that produces this image, the person may see dark shadowy figures, frightening images, or he may see his relatives or perhaps visions of scenic beauty. Quite often, he will cry out at these visions or remark about them to his visitors. Even though the physical body may be weak these thought units are very strong as death approaches. When the body finally breaks down at the point of death these energies are released as mental energy. As energy cannot be destroyed they have to re-establish themselves in a new body thus causing the phenomenon of rebirth.

Think of it being like radio waves which are not made up of words and music but energy at different frequencies, which are transmitted, travel instantaneously through space, are picked up by the receiver from where the radio produces them as words and music. It is the same with the mind. At death, mental energy travels through space, is picked up by the fertilized egg of the future mother, is reborn as a new being and manifests as a new personality.

Thus it is important that a dying person is comforted and reminded of his good deeds. He should not be made confused and visitors should not overtly grieve in his presence. Neither should unfamiliar ideas like a new religion be introduced to him. The Buddha advises that when one is fearful, he should recall minding the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.

Is one always reborn as a human being?

No, there are several realms into which one can be reborn. Some people are reborn in heavenly planes, some are reborn in hell planes, and some may be reborn as ghosts and as animals. Heaven is not a place but a state of existence where one has a subtle body and where the mind experiences mainly pleasure. Some religions strive very hard to be reborn in a heavenly existence mistakenly believing it to be a permanent state. But it is not. Like all conditioned states, heaven is impermanent and when one’s life span there is finished, one could well be reborn again as a human. Hell, likewise, is not a place but a state of existence where one has a subtle body and where the mind experiences mainly anxiety and distress. Being a ghost, again, is a state of existence where the body is subtle and where the mind is continually plagued by longing and dissatisfaction. So heavenly beings experience mainly pleasure, hell beings and ghosts experience mainly pain and human beings experience usually a mixture of both. So the main difference between the human realm and other realms is the body type and the quality of experience.

“Those who imagine evil where there is none, and do not see evil where it is — upholding false views, they go to states of woe. Those who discern the wrong as wrong and the right as right — upholding right views, they go to realms of bliss.
~ Dhammapada 318, 319”

What decides where we will be reborn?

The most important factor, but not the only one, influencing where we will be reborn and what sort of life we shall have, is karma. The word karma means ‘action’ and refers to our intentional mental actions. In other words, what we are is determined very much by how we have thought and acted in the past. Likewise, how we think and act now will influence how we will be in the future. Just as radio waves will be picked up by a radio tuned to its particular frequency, the mental energies released at the time of death will naturally be re-established in a new material body that most suits it. Thus, the gentle, loving type of person shall be reborn in a heavenly realm or as a human being in a comfortable environment. The anxious, worried or extremely cruel type of person is reborn in a hell realm, or as an animal, or as a human being born in extremely difficult environment.

Not only is there scientific evidence to support the phenomena of rebirth, it is the only after-life theory that has any evidence to support it. During the last 30 years parapsychologists have been studying reports that some people have vivid memories of their former lives. Professor Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia’s Department of Psychology has described dozens of cases of this type in his books. He is an accredited scientist whose 25 year study of people who remember former lives is very strong evidence for rebirth

Source: www.e-buddhism.com

Read more at http://www.theinfopost.org/2016/08/what-happens-when-we-die-heres-what


The Day Dostoyevsky Discovered the Meaning of Life in a Dream.

“And it is so simple… You will instantly find how to live.”

One November night in the 1870s, legendary Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky (November 11, 1821–February 9, 1881) discovered the meaning of life in a dream — or, at least, the protagonist in his final short story did. The piece, which first appeared in the altogether revelatory A Writer’s Diary (public library) under the title “The Dream of a Queer Fellow” and was later published separately as The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, explores themes similar to those in Dostoyevsky’s 1864 novel Notes from the Underground, considered the first true existential novel. True to Stephen King’s assertion that “good fiction is the truth inside the lie,” the story sheds light on Dostoyevsky’s personal spiritual and philosophical bents with extraordinary clarity — perhaps more so than any of his other published works. The contemplation at its heart falls somewhere between Tolstoy’s tussle with the meaning of life and Philip K. Dick’s hallucinatory exegesis.

The story begins with the narrator wandering the streets of St. Petersburg on “a gloomy night, the gloomiest night you can conceive,” dwelling on how others have ridiculed him all his life and slipping into nihilism with the “terrible anguish” of believing that nothing matters. He peers into the glum sky, gazes at a lone little star, and contemplates suicide; two months earlier, despite his destitution, he had bought an “excellent revolver” with the same intention, but the gun had remained in his drawer since. Suddenly, as he is staring at the star, a little girl of about eight, wearing ragged clothes and clearly in distress, grabs him by the arm and inarticulately begs his help. But the protagonist, disenchanted with life, shoos her away and returns to the squalid room he shares with a drunken old captain, furnished with “a sofa covered in American cloth, a table with some books, two chairs and an easy-chair, old, incredibly old, but still an easy-chair.”

As he sinks into the easy-chair to think about ending his life, he finds himself haunted by the image of the little girl, leading him to question his nihilistic disposition. Dostoyevsky writes:

I knew for certain that I would shoot myself that night, but how long I would sit by the table — that I did not know. I should certainly have shot myself, but for that little girl.

You see: though it was all the same to me, I felt pain, for instance. If any one were to strike me, I should feel pain. Exactly the same in the moral sense: if anything very pitiful happened, I would feel pity, just as I did before everything in life became all the same to me. I had felt pity just before: surely, I would have helped a child without fail. Why did I not help the little girl, then? It was because of an idea that came into my mind then. When she was pulling at me and calling to me, suddenly a question arose before me, which I could not answer. The question was an idle one; but it made me angry. I was angry because of my conclusion, that if I had already made up my mind that I would put an end to myself to-night, then now more than ever before everything in the world should be all the same to me. Why was it that I felt it was not all the same to me, and pitied the little girl? I remember I pitied her very much: so much that I felt a pain that was even strange and incredible in my situation…

It seemed clear that if I was a man and not a cipher yet, and until I was changed into a cipher, then I was alive and therefore could suffer, be angry and feel shame for my actions. Very well. But if I were to kill myself, for instance, in two hours from now, what is the girl to me, and what have I to do with shame or with anything on earth? I am going to be a cipher, an absolute zero. Could my consciousness that I would soon absolutely cease to exist, and that therefore nothing would exist, have not the least influence on my feeling of pity for the girl or on my sense of shame for the vileness I had committed?

From the moral, he veers into the existential:

It became clear to me that life and the world, as it were, depended upon me. I might even say that the world had existed for me alone. I should shoot myself, and then there would be no world at all, for me at least. Not to mention that perhaps there will really be nothing for any one after me, and the whole world, as soon as my consciousness is extinguished, will also be extinguished like a phantom, as part of my consciousness only, and be utterly abolished, since perhaps all this world and all these men are myself alone.

Beholding “these new, thronging questions,” he plunges into a contemplation of what free will really means. In a passage that calls to mind John Cage’s famous aphorism on the meaning of life — “No why. Just here.” — and George Lucas’s assertion that “life is beyond reason,” Dostoyevsky suggests through his protagonist that what gives meaning to life is life itself:

One strange consideration suddenly presented itself to me. If I had previously lived on the moon or in Mars, and I had there been dishonored and disgraced so utterly that one can only imagine it sometimes in a dream or a nightmare, and if I afterwards found myself on earth and still preserved a consciousness of what I had done on the other planet, and if I knew besides that I would never by any chance return, then, if I were to look at the moon from the earth — would it be all the same to me or not? Would I feel any shame for my action or not? The questions were idle and useless, for the revolver was already lying before me, and I knew with all my being that this thing would happen for certain: but the questions excited me to rage. I could not die now, without having solved this first. In a word, that little girl saved me, for my questions made me postpone pulling the trigger.

Just as he ponders this, the protagonist slips into sleep in the easy-chair, but it’s a sleep that has the quality of wakeful dreaming. In one of many wonderful semi-asides, Dostoyevsky peers at the eternal question of why we have dreams:

Dreams are extraordinarily strange. One thing appears with terrifying clarity, with the details finely set like jewels, while you leap over another, as though you did not notice it at all — space and time, for instance. It seems that dreams are the work not of mind but of desire, not of the head but of the heart… In a dream things quite incomprehensible come to pass. For instance, my brother died five years ago. Sometimes I see him in a dream: he takes part in my affairs, and we are very excited, while I, all the time my dream goes on, know and remember perfectly that my brother is dead and buried. Why am I not surprised that he, though dead, is still near me and busied about me? Why does my mind allow all that?

In this strange state, the protagonist dreams that he takes his revolver and points it at his heart — not his head, where he had originally intended to shoot himself. After waiting a second or two, his dream-self pulls the trigger quickly. Then something remarkable happens:

I felt no pain, but it seemed to me that with the report, everything in me was convulsed, and everything suddenly extinguished. It was terribly black all about me. I became as though blind and numb, and I lay on my back on something hard. I could see nothing, neither could I make any sound. People were walking and making a noise about me: the captain’s bass voice, the landlady’s screams… Suddenly there was a break. I am being carried in a closed coffin. I feel the coffin swinging and I think about that, and suddenly for the first time the idea strikes me that I am dead, quite dead. I know it and do not doubt it; I cannot see nor move, yet at the same time I feel and think. But I am soon reconciled to that, and as usual in a dream I accept the reality without a question.

Now I am being buried in the earth. Every one leaves me and I am alone, quite alone. I do not stir… I lay there and — strange to say — I expected nothing, accepting without question that a dead man has nothing to expect. But it was damp. I do not know how long passed — an hour, a few days, or many days. Suddenly, on my left eye which was closed, a drop of water fell, which had leaked through the top of the grave. In a minute fell another, then a third, and so on, every minute. Suddenly, deep indignation kindled in my heart and suddenly in my heart I felt physical pain. ‘It’s my wound,’ I thought. ‘It’s where I shot myself. The bullet is there.’ And all the while the water dripped straight on to my closed eye. Suddenly, I cried out, not with a voice, for I was motionless, but with all my being, to the arbiter of all that was being done to me.

“Whosoever thou art, if thou art, and if there exists a purpose more intelligent than the things which are now taking place, let it be present here also. But if thou dost take vengeance upon me for my foolish suicide, then know, by the indecency and absurdity of further existence, that no torture whatever that may befall me, can ever be compared to the contempt which I will silently feel, even through millions of years of martyrdom.”

I cried out and was silent. Deep silence lasted a whole minute. One more drop even fell. But I knew and believed, infinitely and steadfastly, that in a moment everything would infallibly change. Suddenly, my grave opened. I do not know whether it had been uncovered and opened, but I was taken by some dark being unknown to me, and we found ourselves in space. Suddenly, I saw. It was deep night; never, never had such darkness been! We were borne through space and were already far from the earth. I asked nothing of him who led me. I was proud and waited. I assured myself that I was not afraid, and my heart melted with rapture at the thought that I was not afraid. I do not remember how long we rushed through space, and I cannot imagine it. It happened as always in a dream when you leap over space and time and the laws of life and mind, and you stop only there where your heart delights.

The Day Dostoyevsky Discovered the Meaning of Life in a Dream
The 1845 depiction of a galaxy that inspired Van Gogh’s ‘The Starry Night,’ from Michael Benson’s Cosmigraphics: Picturing Space Through Time

Through the thick darkness, he sees a star — the same little star he had seen before shooing the girl away. As the dream continues, the protagonist describes a sort of transcendence akin to what is experienced during psychedelic drug trips or in deep meditation states:

Suddenly a familiar yet most overwhelming emotion shook me through. I saw our sun. I knew that it could not be our sun, which had begotten our earth, and that we were an infinite distance away, but somehow all through me I recognized that it was exactly the same sun as ours, its copy and double. A sweet and moving delight echoed rapturously through my soul. The dear power of light, of that same light which had given me birth, touched my heart and revived it, and I felt life, the old life, for the first time since my death.

He finds himself in another world, Earthlike in every respect, except “everything seemed to be bright with holiday, with a great and sacred triumph, finally achieved” — a world populated by “children of the sun,” happy people whose eyes “shone with a bright radiance” and whose faces “gleamed with wisdom, and with a certain consciousness, consummated in tranquility.” The protagonist exclaims:

Oh, instantly, at the first glimpse of their faces I understood everything, everything!

Conceding that “it was only a dream,” he nonetheless asserts that “the sensation of the love of those beautiful and innocent people” was very much real and something he carried into wakeful life on Earth. Awaking in his easy-chair at dawn, he exclaims anew with rekindled gratitude for life:

Oh, now — life, life! I lifted my hands and called upon the eternal truth, not called, but wept. Rapture, ineffable rapture exalted all my being. Yes, to live…

Dostoyevsky concludes with his protagonist’s reflection on the shared essence of life, our common conquest of happiness and kindness:

All are tending to one and the same goal, at least all aspire to the same goal, from the wise man to the lowest murderer, but only by different ways. It is an old truth, but there is this new in it: I cannot go far astray. I saw the truth. I saw and know that men could be beautiful and happy, without losing the capacity to live upon the earth. I will not, I cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of men… I saw the truth, I did not invent it with my mind. I saw, saw, and her living image filled my soul for ever. I saw her in such consummate perfection that I cannot possibly believe that she was not among men. How can I then go astray? … The living image of what I saw will be with me always, and will correct and guide me always. Oh, I am strong and fresh, I can go on, go on, even for a thousand years.


And it is so simple… The one thing is — love thy neighbor as thyself — that is the one thing. That is all, nothing else is needed. You will instantly find how to live.

A century later, Jack Kerouac would echo this in his own magnificent meditation on kindness and the “Golden Eternity.”

A Writer’s Diary is a beautiful read in its entirety. Complement it with Tolstoy on finding meaning in a meaningless world and Margaret Mead’s dreamed epiphany about why life is like blue jelly.

Source: Brain Pickings
- See more at: http://www.thinkinghumanity.com/2016/05/the-day-dostoyevsky-discovered-the-meaning-of-life-in-a-dream.html#sthash.HlQInCLv.nHeErazr.dpuf


What is a 'cwtch'?

Are you perplexed by the pronunciation of this funny five-lettered term that (apparently) rhymes with ‘butch’? If someone asked you for a ‘cwtch’, would you know what to do? If someone tried to ‘cwtch up’ to you, would you run away? If the sheer mention of the word evokes a series of potentially awkward situations, then it’s probably best to find out exactly what this popular Welsh word really means...

The Urban Dictionary provides the following definition:   
‘…Cwtch, which has long been a familiar word in the Welsh language, was given two definitions: noun (Welsh) 1. a cupboard or cubbyhole. 2. a cuddle or hug.’ 

However, this definition isn’t conclusive, because the wonderful thing about the Welsh word, ‘cwtch’, is that there’s no literal English translation. There are plenty of similar words, such as ‘cuddle’, ‘snuggle’ and ‘hug’, but none share quite the same affectionate sentiment as a ‘cwtch’.

Ask a Welsh person what a ‘cwtch’ is and often they’ll give you a fond smile – because a cwtch is evocative – it has the magical quality of transporting someone back to the safety of their childhood. This corresponds with the word’s other meaning, which is a place to safely store things – if you give someone a cwtch, you're figuratively giving them a ‘safe place’. 

So where has this extraordinary term come from? The Urban Dictionary says:
‘...The word has its origins in the Middle English word "couche" which meant a resting or hiding place…’

Therefore, while ‘cwtch’ may have started out life as a small, cubbyhole word, it’s since become much bigger, now popular with non-Welsh speakers in Wales and beyond. Cross the Welsh border and you don’t need to look hard to find it emblazoned on souvenirs – arguably, it’s a part of Wales’s national identity, reflecting the warmth and affection of its people. So, if someone asks you for a cwtch, your best bet is to jump right in (not into the cupboard though!)

(Definition and origins taken from the Urban Dictionary: www.urbandictionary.com)


How Quantum Mechanics is changing everything we know about our lives.

Quantum physics is the new physics that is pointing to something far greater than the materialistic world that we once believed to be the basis of our existence. Not only is it disproving our original perception of space and time, but it is opening the doors to the possibility of time travel, telepathy, and consciousness creating our reality.

Below are some of the major properties of quantum mechanics and the implications they have on the world around us. You won’t be disappointed!

1. Quantum Entanglement: When two sub-atomic particles cross paths with one another, they become “entangled.”
This means that their properties become linked with one another. When these entangled particles are separated (even millions of miles or light-years apart), what happens to one particle instantaneously happens to the other particle.
What this means: This means that information is travelling far faster than the speed of light to be communicated instantaneously across vast distances.
This defies what we previously knew to be possible, and also hints at the notion of telepathy having the potential to be scientifically studied.
Einstein referred to this as “spooky action at a distance.” The new physics is currently being harnessed in an attempt to build “quantum computers” that would revolutionize technology as we know it today.

2. Atoms and subatomic particles can be in two places at once. In 2012 Dr. S. Haroche and Dr. Wineland won the Nobel Prize for using quantum mechanics to prove that electrons can be in two places at once. This theory was tested to 1 part in 100 billion in terms of accuracy. This officially made it the most successful physical theory that ever existed.

What this means: In theory, this notion correlates with the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. This theory implies that all potential realities and possibilities already exist, and that there are potentially an infinite number of parallel realities. This theory was brought to life by a scientist named Hugh Everett.
This would technically mean that any actions you judge in others, you have also committed in a parallel reality. It would also mean that what is happening to you right now has already happened and will happen again.
Most importantly, it would essentially mean that we collectively create our personal reality — as the “Implicate” order of existence projects outward, the “Explicate” order around us (See David Bohm’s “Implicate and Explicate Order of Existence”)  projects back inwards. This happens through the means of our collective energy being filtered through our human consciousness to project the outer reality we experience.

3. In the quantum world, everything behaves as both waves and particles! So sub-atomic particles can behave like matter or move in wave patterns. The most mind-blowing part about this is that particles behave like waves when we aren’t looking, and like matter when we are!

The act of looking is what changes the behaviour of the particles.

What this means: This means that consciousness literally influences reality. The act of observing something can actually be responsible for bringing a potential reality to life. You may have heard of the Law of Attraction; quantum physics essentially supports this idea.

When you focus on a desired outcome, it is almost as if you “reel in” that already existing quantum super-position of reality that brings it to life!

4. Quantum particles have the ability to move back and forth through time. Very recently, scientists at the University of Queensland were able to simulate photons travelling through time. In one case, the photon was sent through a wormhole to interact with itself in a previous state. In another, a photon traveled through regular space-time to interact with a different photon.

What this means: Quite simply, this means that our five senses are very limited in the way that they allow us to perceive the world. Classical physics and much of science is based on finding proof from conducting experiments and observing their results.
But we interpret our observations based on our limited five senses. Quantum physics is beginning to demonstrate that there is so much more outside of our current mainstream perception of reality.

This also means that time and space aren’t what we have made them out to be. They are not linear functions.
This also opens the hypothetical doors to the possibility of time travel.
If these sub-atomic particles are able to do this, and we are made of sub-atomic particles, what implication does this have?

One thing I have always found funny about mainstream science is that it prefers to ignore the miraculous and study the ordinary. When astonishing events take place that challenge our foundation of scientific beliefs, scientists that wish to explore them are often condemned by their peers and community.

We know that science is based on proving things through measurement and calculation.
But if what we are perceiving is limited because our five senses only provide a piece of the entire picture, maybe it is time we began to focus on studying what is out of the ordinary.

Quantum mechanics is currently challenging and uprooting some of our belief systems that have previously been based on the limitations of our senses. Rather than looking at the external world, science is now beginning to investigate the internal world in the form of microscopic particle behavior.

To contemplate that these particles are behaving this way and these particles are what form the world around us is truly mind-boggling.

Source: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/07/31/how-quantum-mechanics-is-changing-everything-we-know-about-our-lives/


A Simple Test To See How Close You Are To Enlightenment.

Enlightenment. The moment we consciously connect to eternal truth. It’s when we see through the veil of this illusionary world, rising above ego, time, materialism, and our own emotions to see the bigger picture—that we are all one. It’s what all gurus, spiritualists, yogis, Buddhists, monks, meditators, shamans, artists, writers, and religious leaders strive for. It’s the state Neo reached at the end of The Matrix, the level Dorothy attained so she could surpass time and space and return home, and the brief moment you get a taste of, usually in the shower, when your brain skips a beat on the record of reality, resulting in a little inspiration in line with your true self. But is there any way to speed up the process or at least know how close you are to the fully enlightened experience? I believe there is. And it’s something so unbelievably simple, you’ll be able to master it shortly after reading this blog post. 

There are a lot of facts about our reality that have continually been shown through scientific methods, yet haven’t quite been digested by our mainstream knowledge. As indicated by Einstein and many others, time is illusionary. He even said that for those who believe in physics, “the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Then there’s quantum entanglement, which tells us that space is also apparently an illusion. Well, if time and space are both illusions, what is the actual truth? Logically, it would be that there is but one moment and everything is actually a part of the same thing. Then again, there is no room for logic in quantum physics—the subatomic world where the laws of our reality break down and do what scientists like to call, “some crazy-ass shit.” 

Suffice to say, the world doesn’t work like our senses and mind tell us it does. There’s something bigger going on. Perhaps we are in a computer simulation, or a hologram, or an illusion created by an almighty God that wants to rediscover everything that it already knows. The details don’t really matter. What we do need to agree on (for the purpose of the Enlightenment Test presented in this article) is that something else exists beyond what we consciously experience, and that this dimension has an effect on how our lives play out. Call it heaven, the world above, the real world, another dimension, or The Twilight Zone, the point is that within that reality, there is only one moment and we are all one consciousness. 

Our mythology, dreams, meditations, and instincts have given most of us a glimpse of that reality. Then there are some of us who have increased their experiences within this realm beyond just a glimpse as they’ve grown themselves in life. Far fewer still have been able to touch on this barrier-breaking experience at their choosing. We call these evolved beings, “enlightened.” 

With the exception of Bodhisattvas, the Dalai Lama, and various prophets and Messiahs, most enlightened beings aren’t born that way, but attain such a stature through a cyclical process of repeated suffering, reduction of ego, and contentment in what is. Each new stage has its own challenges to be overcome, but when they are, the reward is more of a connection to the light realm and less to the material one. Because of this, the person experiences more light world reality (an increased ability to surpass the restrictions of time and space) and less of the material world reality (less material attachments, reactionary behavior, drama, separation of self (ego) from others, etc). 

As a whole population, we have all been becoming more enlightened. This is apparent because we’ve increased our ability to surpass time restrictions (the speed of transportation, information, and communication is increasing geometrically faster) and space restrictions (technology has gotten smaller and smaller, as has weapons, to the point of splitting the atom to yield tremendous power). Eventually, we will all come to a point where we can jump to any space or time instantly, but as of now, some are getting there quicker than others. How can you know if it’s you? By using one of the most basic rules of our reality: the law of cause and effect. 

The law of cause and effect says that if you throw a rubber ball against a hard surface, it will bounce back with the same trajectory and velocity (within a vacuum). If you dropped a rubber ball off of The Empire State Building, it would take awhile to hit the ground and then reach it’s highest point. It wouldn’t make it all the way back to you due to the interference of air friction and gravity. But if you were to take a rubber ball and throw it against the floor you’re standing on, it would return to you fairly quickly and likely make it all the way back if not beyond since there’s less interference from competing forces. 

This is just how radar and sonar work. One can determine the velocity and position of an object (or one’s self in relation to an object) using high-frequency radio or sound waves reflecting off its surface. Just as the law of cause and effect can be used to determine the position of physical objects within the physical world, it can be used to determine the position of spiritual entities in relation to the spiritual, enlightened world. As they say in Kabbalah, as above, so below—whatever happens up there is duplicated in a similar fashion here. Kind of like a computer code (above) and how it plays out in a video game (below). 

The most noticeable indicators of the enlightened realm are that time is illusionary and that we are all connected. So the closer we are to making those indicators true for ourselves, the closer we are to being enlightened. Using the law of cause and effect (aka, karma when used spiritually), it’s fairly easy to see where you’re at using some very simple tests. 

Since every seemingly separate thing is really all one thing, it’s not possible for you to do something to something “separate” without getting the effect. Just as you cannot punch yourself in the stomach without feeling the force, you cannot do onto others without having a similar energy be done onto you. 

So whether you publicly embarrass someone, react negatively physically or verbally, cut someone off while driving, accidentally step on someone’s foot, do something nice for someone, show them love, or go out of your way to help them, that energy, in a similar form, is coming your way. From this perspective, the point of being good isn’t to please God, get into heaven, or follow some golden rule, but to enable more positive energies to head your way. Yes, this could be seen as being selfish, but even knowing these rules, it’s still not as easy as you’d think. Because the more spiritually evolved you become, the more you have to go outside yourself and be inconvenienced to experience growth. It’s not just about being good, but going out of your way to help someone, not talking negatively, not reacting, and putting others first. It’s about breaking your habits, facing your fears, and overcoming your challenges. 

To test your proximity to enlightenment, you can use either positive or negative actions on your part. But the key is the intensity. So if you do something really nasty, to the point where you feel it in your gut, make a note of it. Note the time, date, and rate the intensity from 1-10. Do the same thing if you do something very positive—something you feel lighter for having done. The clearest positive deeds are those that inconvenience you to help someone else, preferably, a stranger or even someone you don’t like. After either scenario, you then need to be mindful. These actions will bounce back at you. Not in your next life. Not to be judged in heaven. But in the here and now. They won’t come in the exact same form, but they will evoke a similar response in you that they did for another. 

If you’re fairly close to enlightenment, detecting the action will be easy. The veil separating you from the dimension where time and space are one will be thin. Therefore the effect should manifest shortly after, and be similar to, the cause. If it was something positive, it will come back as something you associate positively, whether that’s love, respect, kindness, or even money. It’s more likely to be something physical if the cause was physical. So if you helped with a charity, and gave more than you usually do at the request of say, someone you don’t particularly like, you might find yourself being given a significant coupon from a stranger, getting a helpful financial tip from a friend you haven’t spoken to in awhile (maybe a Facebook friend), or getting an unexpected check in the mail. 

If it was something negative, and you’re relatively close to enlightenment, the effect will almost always come in the form of a lesson, like a parent sternly but lovingly disciplining his child for doing something wrong. Lose your temper, react in anger, act selfishly? Keep your eyes open. It’s coming back at you. Sometimes it’ll have a bit of humor to it—the kind of humor that’s ironic and can be laughed at in hindsight. It may be paired with some clues as well. 

In fact, watch for signs coming with any of these effects. Just as the velocity and trajectory of a bounced ball can give a hint to the distance, position, and texture of the surface it hit, so too can clues be gathered from the effects of your actions in life. Once, when I was rushing past people in the subway station trying to find my way to another train, a young woman stopped me to say that I looked lost. When I told her the issue, she pointed to the information that was posted right in front of me on the wall. “Sometimes, you just have to look for the signs,” she said with a knowing smile. Indeed. 

On the other hand, if you’re not anywhere near enlightenment, the test results will be much harder to recognize. Because you’re deeper within the illusion of time and space, the effect will take much longer than it would for the more enlightened folks. Your radar/sonar/rubber ball bounce will take much longer to reach its source and return to you. Depending where you’re at, it could take days, weeks, months, or even years to bounce back. If years, it’ll probably be close to impossible to figure out. But not to worry, you’re not nearly that far away. If you were, this blog wouldn’t have found you and you certainly wouldn’t be taking the time to read it. 

Once you have a good sampling of the amount of time it took various positive and negative causes to have a returned effect in your life, average those times together. That’s your benchmark. Once you have that number, wait about a month and retest. Then retest again a month later. Is the time compressing? Is the cause and effect becoming more similar to one another? Is the proximity of the events happening closer? Congratulations, you are approaching enlightenment! Just by the fact that you are consciously noticing your actions, looking for signs, and performing these tests, the gap should be narrowing. But sometimes, they may not be. 

If you find that the causes and effects are happening at increasingly wider gaps of time, space, and similarity, you’re being sucked back into the material world. This is actually a natural process of enlightenment. Just as a muscle must be pumped to grow, so too must you continually be stretched in both directions. You may have had a long enlightened streak but just did the test during one of the steps backwards. Seeing a power-lifter returning a weight to the ground doesn’t mean he didn’t put it up. It just means you caught it on the return. Continue tracking your most intense positive and negative actions and see where they go. You’ll be back on track in no time. 

As you begin getting closer to enlightenment, something else becomes more and more apparent as well: the manifestation of your thoughts. That’s because much like the gravity and atmospheric resistance slowing down a rubber ball dropped from a skyscraper, as you get closer to your target, you experience less interference. And your target is the realm of light, which begat all of creation. And since we are all one, you are part of the entity that created it! You are that creative being you’ve been praying to! You can literally be the change you want to see in your life and in the world! Once you realize this and start praying to yourself, you begin to master manifesting your thoughts. This is why positive thinking, self-fulfilling prophecies, and the law of attraction, popularized in books like The Secret, all work. This is even why praying works. What you focus on expands, and what you resist, persists. Because either way you are thinking intensely about it. 

The reason we are taught to pray, say grace before meals, be grateful, not speak gossip, be persistent, and smile our way through challenges is not so that God will reward you, but so that the energy that you’re putting out there will reflect back to you. And in order for it to do so, something that would invoke a similar reaction to the one you were thinking about, must be manifested. So by being grateful for a meal, you are attracting that energy to come back to you so that you have reason to be grateful again (manifesting another delicious meal to come into your life). The more intense the emotional attachment to a thought, the more likely it is to occur in your life. So as they say, be careful what you wish for, and what you think about. 

Our life is a result of the collective thoughts we’ve had about it, just as our world is a result of the collective thoughts all of us have had about it. So if you want a life full of love, light, laughter, health, wealth, happiness, and peace, act as though you’re already there—and intensify any emotions that you’d have if your life was like that. Do so without any attachment or need (ego) and your life will manifest whatever it takes so that you continue to have those same thoughts. This is the magic behind every winning or losing streak, every addiction, every habit, lucky and unlucky people, going with the flow, and why you become more of what you already are. 

As you get closer and closer to enlightenment, it becomes increasingly more interesting to see how our thoughts and actions manifest back at us. Buy a healthful meal for a homeless person and manifest the boss taking you out for lunch. Help someone with a heavy suitcase up the stairs and manifest someone steady you as you’re about to trip and fall on your face. Give money to charity and manifest getting money for your personal cause—perhaps in line with your destiny. Worried about an upcoming interview? Get a zit on your face the day it arrives. Continually holding your tongue and not speaking out against someone you disagree with? Come down with a case of laryngitis. 

The greatest thing about the world we live in is that we create it all through our thoughts and actions. The most horrible thing about the world we live in is that we create it all through our thoughts and actions. The effects are up to you. All you need are some positive causes. Find the most terrifying one that you’re most passionate about and make it your goal. It’ll give you the most intense emotional energy to be duplicated and will very likely be your destiny. 

May your inner spark grow to light your way,
The Layman

by http://www.riseearth.com/2015/09/a-simple-test-to-see-how-close-you-are.html


5 Laws of Karma.

The Laws of Karma can viewed as the Buddhist and Hindu version of the Golden Rule, which is basically that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This Golden Rule is stated by practically every religion in the world, as it teaches us that we are responsible for our actions.  
Buddhism goes a bit further, incorporating intention and thought, as well as spoken word and action.  Everything we feel, say, do, and every choice we make ripples through time, and these choices are our karma, whether they be good or bad.  Check out these five Laws of Karma:
Law of Neutrality – In the same way that gravity acts as neutral and constant force, the Laws of Karma apply to all beings equally, without exception.  It exists without favorite ones, without cursed ones; there are only the divine beings manifested by the Creator, and all of these beings are loved and cared for equally, deeply, and completely.
Law of Lessons – When we reincarnate we do so to learn what is and is not like love.  When moving through worlds of duality, we learn from experiencing the extreme opposites: good-bad, problem-solution, etc. until we are able to evolve into divine love, joy and awareness.  One walks the divine circle until their lessons are learned.
Law of Balance – The objective in learning lessons is to achieve a sense of balance.  Imbalances are what drive your personal cycle of reincarnation.  For example, whatever you bring hate to, is what you reincarnate to, so that you might have the opportunity to achieve balance.  Because you can only truly understand a thing when you become that thing; ceasing judgement and the harboring of unrealistic expectations.
Law of Expansion – Because everything in the universe is energy, the universe is constantly expanding from lower to higher vibrational levels.  And due to this constant expansion, change and growth are all but certain.  The universe grows by weaving its way through chaos, reorganization, and order in one long endless cycle of change and growth, executed in hopes of continuous improvement.
Law of Love – Karma comes full circle with love.  The entire purpose of Karma is to propel your soul on a personal journey of reincarnation through the universe, eventually bringing all of us into a state of divine love, joy and awareness.  Karma ceases when you have perfected your ability to love unconditionally.

Source: http://heartcenteredrebalancing.com/2016/02/14/5-laws-of-karma/


How to communicate with people through the astral plane.

We have all had that someone (or several) in our lives that makes you feel like there is a magnetic charge, an energetic cord, pulling you toward their inner toroidal field. Your thoughts somehow, seemingly hijacked by their gravitational pull, no matter how far away they are you always end up back in their orbit.

They call it soul connection for a reason, you know. The interaction and conversations we have with these mirrors outside ourselves, create an energetic trail of intertwining soul strands.

You become unconsciously or consciously entangled and there is no mistaking whether or not you have this particle entanglement. If you have created an energetic cord with someone you will immediately know because in their absence, there is still that palpable pull towards that person, in your thoughts and actions.

If you can calibrate cooperatively to co-creative conscious communication to clear your soul contracts, any unconscious or conscious agreements that the two of you have mentally, emotionally or physically agreed upon, than you will be able to free yourself from this relation. But if the person has cut you off from physical communication, they have passed on to the other realms or there is too much tension to talk, then communicating in the astral realms is the best form of connection and resolution.

Whether we know it or not, we all are connected through the meta or the divine self, the place where we are all connected through a grid of collective conscious. Think of it as if all of thought, emotion and matter itself is the like ocean. Can you separate a drop from the ocean and it not be considered the sea? We are all a small piece of a larger form, a grander whole.

This place is where we all ultimately weave together in this dance of a creation process, we call life. Each one of us has a specific soul pattern, learned from parents, friends, people, our own belief patterns and environments; the narrative you know as your life story. Every interaction is in your life as a mirror to help you transcend old patterns and transform your inner realms, to shift into the ultimate manifested truth of existence, embodied love.

These connections are so palpable, most of us have had a synchronicity experience to confirm this coordination of the cosmos. For example, have you ever been thinking about a specific person and then that exact person messages, calls or texts you? That is the connection through the meta or the one mirrored self, throughout the entirety of the universe. More specifically, it was the synchronicity with that specific person because they were in a specific vibration, feeling, and state of reality as you were, so you were called into contact.

Since we are vibrational beings, one of our most powerful forms of connection is through communication.

The first place that most people will think of is through speech. The physical representation of the vibrational realm in the throat chakra; the mouth, throat and chest, I get a gorgeous picture of a vibrating larynx, as breath is passed by it, dancing across our tongue and teeth to form what we know as language.

But true communication starts in the brain and goes much beyond this physical realm because true communication is seeded specifically in the soul.

Everything in the universe whether you are able to hear it or it is invisible and inaudible is having a conversation.

The conversation of cosmic creation, everything visible or invisible is being formed into existence by vibration through waves of light and sound.

An example would be the thoughts in your mind causing the physical formation of hormones that create further queues and messages that tell the body how to operate.

I am going to push this knowledge to a different level passed rational understanding and more into the realm of intuitive wisdom. We have energetic communication with others and this invisible interaction with others is the realm in which the majority of the actual interaction between two people takes place, that is why this practice I am about to explain to you is so powerful.

If you have lost contact with an-other person for whatever reason, you cannot communicate with them in the physical realm but still have unresolved thoughts and feeling with them. Here is how to create Astral Communication for emotional closure:

Sit somewhere quiet and comfortable. Close your eyes and start by taking 10 deep slow deliberate breaths.
Think of the person with whom you want to communicate with, try to imagine them to the most physical detail and accuracy as possible.
Now this part is the most important part, you must ask them permission to talk to their higher self and soul aspect and truly come to this place for the great good of both soul involved.
Wait to listen to the feeling within yourself. If you get a feeling of resistance or an uneasy feeling, they have said no. You can always do a cord cutting visualisation (which I wrote about in a previous article) or you can try again at a later date. You can always as well just hold them in light to bless them and offer them healing.
If you have waited and you feel an opening within yourself then their higher self has said yes. At this point you can imagine them open and ready to receive any message you would like to connect with them about.
Feel open within yourself and allow yourself to say anything that you haven’t been able to say to them physically in person.

You can end this practice in whatever way you see fit. Sometimes I picture hugging the person, sometimes I picture putting my hand on their heart, as they put theirs on mine and sometimes I kneel at their feet in gratitude. Like I said above, this is a time to send this person love and light. Even if they have not been kind to you in the physical realm, this is a time to give yourself the love you have always deserved within interactions with the other.
I want to emphasise that this practice works the best if is to make peace with the other person involved.

In closing, this is one of the most sacred places you can meet another soul. A place where two people come together with their higher selves and highest intentions, to heal. My intention here is that this practice becomes a pillar of peace in a world that provides knowledge on how to connect through social media, in the physical and external world but lacks information on how to connect to the inner realms.

Most people know how to take direction from others or how to transfer information they have learned from the exterior world to another but not how to become silent and really listen to the entire universe of knowledge they have within. I pray that this becomes the newest frontier in a modern world,  an ironic twist of disconnecting to truly connect.

Although it may look like there are many others outside yourself, there is really only one of us here. We are one.

Source: http://thespiritscience.net/2015/12/14/how-to-communicate-with-people-through-the-astral-plane/


11 Reasons to Drink More Lemon Water.

Did you know that we are made up of 50-75% water? Think about that for one minute. More than half of us is water. That’s incredible. We only start to feel thirsty when we have lost about 2-3% of our water and many of us actually ignore the signs of thirst. Your body needs water for a multitude of reasons. Here are just a few:

Flushes out toxins
Helps the nutrients get to your organs and tissues
Regulates body temperature
Protects joints and organs
You can see how water is pretty important to drink. We get 20% of our water through food so what about the other 80%? It’s up to you to provide your body with that and it should come from water. But water is boring to drink. It’s bland. You have a hard time pouring a glass of water and drinking it straight up. In fact, you hate is so much you’d rather just not drink it all.

Well you don’t have to drink boring bland water anymore to get that 80%. Grab a lemon and start slicing and squeezing.  Move over blah water. Hello lemon water. Is it good for you? Safe to drink? Better than you think. Here are some reasons why you should be heading to the grocery store and stocking up on these cute little yellow fruits.

11 Reasons to Drink More Lemon Water
Natural Vitamin C.
Remember your doctor telling you Vitamin C is pretty darned important for healing wounds, providing nutrients and creating collagen for your body just to name a few things. This vitamin does not get stored in your body so you need to replenish the supply daily. What better way than to drink it naturally.

Potassium please.
Lemons have potassium too. This mineral is good for the heart and helps lower high blood pressure and reduces your risk of stroke.

Clean that liver.
We all know that our liver has a big job. It filters and flushes out crap. Drinking water is important in aiding the liver to do that but did you know that water with lemon lowers the toxins in your body so the liver doesn’t have to work quite as hard?

Digestion aid.
Lemon water is great for helping with digestion. Try squeezing some lemon into some warm water, not cold, and drink it after a meal. Chances of having an upset stomach after dinner will be slim.

No more sore stomach.
And speaking of upset stomachs, lemon water will naturally soothe a sore stomach and relieve indigestion.

No thanks, I’m not hungry.
Trying to lose weight or maintain your figure? Try drinking lemon water before a meal or before going out to eat. It is a great appetite suppressor. You will feel fuller, sooner and longer and won’t eat as much. No pig outs for you!

Clearer skin.
We all know that drinking lots of water keeps our skin soft and supple but did you know that putting some lemon in that water will help keep your skin clearer too? Of course, remember it is flushing toxins out of our body better and because of that, better skin.

Say aaaaah with more confidence.
Lemon water gives you fresher breath so you won’t have to be embarrassed by bad breath again. The sweet citrusy drink cleanses your palettes and your breath naturally.

More energy than coffee?
Absolutely. Try replacing your regular morning coffee with a cup of warm water and lemon for a week and see what happens. The first two days you may feel a slight detox from the coffee but I guarantee you will feel better the rest of the day.

Start the day right?
If you don’t think you are ready to give up coffee just yet, that’s ok. How about having a nice glass of lemon water while you’re coffee is brewing? Your body has been asleep and without hydration for almost 8 hours so it desperately needs water upon waking. Remember, even though coffee is made of water, it will not rehydrate you. In fact, it will do the exact opposite. Do it a favor, give it some water.

A wonderful natural flavor.
Put away those horrible drink crystals that claim to enhance the taste of your water naturally. There isn’t anything natural about them. Anything that says sugar free means chemical shit storm. Remember that. Do not put that in your body.

If you aren’t so convinced just yet, why not try a lemon water test for a week and see how you feel. Can you think of any other benefits of lemon water that I may have missed? Share them below.

Source: http://www.stevenaitchison.co.uk/blog/11-reasons-to-drink-more-lemon-water/